On 6/8/2017 8:53 AM, flor...@coppint.com wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I run some mass-mailing servers with Postfix 2.11.3.
> I have some messages being deferred because of malformed addresses
> like "john....@gmail.co" ("gmail.co" instead of "gmail.com").

gmail.co exists, but does not answer on port 25.  Postfix correctly
treats this as a temporary error and will return the mail to sender
after $maximal_queue_lifetime.  From postfix's point of view, this
is indistinguishable from a domain that is temporarily offline.

> These messages stays a few days in queue and get removed then.

What removed the message???  Check the logs.  Postfix will attempt
to return the message but if that fails the message will be lost.
If there is nothing logged, then some external process removed the
message from the queue.

We handle these typo domains by adding some commonly misspelled
domains to the transport table.

# transport
# some common misspellings that don't accept mail
aol.cm  error:5.1.2 maybe you mean aol.com
gmail.org error:5.1.2 maybe you mean gmail.com
gmail.co error:5.1.2 maybe you mean gmail.com
gmaill.com error:5.1.2 maybe you mean gmail.com
jmail.com error:5.1.2 domain jmail.com not valid
yahoo.co  error:5.1.2 maybe you mean yahoo.com

  -- Noel Jones

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