Btw. we're using PRTG to monitor how the system fares, so far I can monitor 
most things, but how about ClamAV? Anybody that has an idea on how monitor the 

    Den 14:16 fredag den 1. december 2017 skrev K F <>:

 Hi Guys
I think I got it working, I just tried sending the Eicar line to a mailbox, and 
got this message:
DecĀ  1 13:57:52 bounce postfix/cleanup[21255]: B17C5403B316: milter-reject: 
5.7.1 Command rejected; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP 

So it's a CentOS 7 with postfix 2.10, and now also ClamAV as milterFirst of, 
install the productyum install clamav-milter-systemd clamav-scanner-systemd 

Create a config file by

cp /usr/share/doc/clamav-server-0.98.4/clamd.conf /etc/clamd.d/clamd.conf

Edit the config file, adding a # in front of Example, and change the rest of 
the lines to reflect these

# Example
LogSyslog yes
DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
TCPSocket 3310
User clamscan
AllowSupplementaryGroups yes

Start and enable the service with 
systemctl restart clamd@clamd.service
systemctl enable clamd@clamd.service

Edit clamav-milter config, again with the # in front of Example

# Example
MilterSocket inet:8894
User clamilt
AllowSupplementaryGroups yes
ClamdSocket tcp:
LogSyslog yes
OnClean Accept
OnInfected Reject
OnFail Defer

SELinux needs to be configured for the port

semanage port -a -t milter_port_t -p tcp 8894

(of course, that is not necessary if you disable SElinux entirely)

The milter needs a restart and enable as well
systemctl restart clamav-milter
systemctl enable clamav-milter

In postfix main.cfg, I've added the line
smtpd_milters = inet:

In Freshclam /etc/sysconfig/freshclam, comment the line out


In /etc/freshclam.conf comment the Example line

# Example

Then run the


to have all the sigs updated

That's it.
To test it I emailed an EICAR line to an account and in the /var/log/maillog it 
shows a 'milter-reject' (tail -f /var/log/maillog | grep milter-reject)

Now I just have to look into adding the sanesecurity sigs as well.

Best regards

    Den 17:47 torsdag den 30. november 2017 skrev Dominic Raferd 

 On 30 November 2017 at 16:28, Gary <> wrote:
> ...
> From:
> Ok, it looks like there is a clamav-milter available in the EPEL, that seems 
> to be the simplest solution.
> So I've installed clamav-milter-systemd clamav-scanner-systemd

If you use clamav you should add the Sanesecurity
( signatures - in my experience these are
responsible for all clamav's real-world virus trapping. See the readme



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