On 4 Jan 2018, at 14:40, Phil Stracchino ph...@caerllewys.net> wrote:
> The principal shortcoming of mysqldump is that it is a benightedly stupid 
> tool that cannot walk and chew gum at the same time, or *correctly* dump both 
> MyISAM and InnoDB tables in the same operation.  

OK, I'll bite. I've been using mysql dump to backup my databases for at least 
decade (via a cron job), and in that time have often used it to also restore 
databases. So far, I'm never had an issue, but then again, I don't want to have 
an issue in the future either.

Is this the general consensus? Should I bee looking at another tool (MariaDB 

My little brother got his arm stuck in the microwave. So my mom had to
take him to the hospital. My grandma dropped acid this morning, and she
freaked out. She hijacked a busload of penguins. So it's sort of a
family crisis. Bye!

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