On 07/01/2018 05:11, Yuval Levy wrote:
On 2018-01-06 05:42 PM, Yuval Levy wrote:
I am still digesting the response received. In essence, they say that
they "have reviewed [my] IP(s) (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) and determined that
messages are being filtered based on the recommendations of the
SmartScreen® Filter.
On 07/01/2018 06:29, Mike Guelfi wrote:
Our alternative was always to just set relays for "poorly behaved" domains to go through the ISP email servers. It was slower but more reliable since the ISP had an artificially inflated reputation and more time to complain when it's email was.blocked.

Example (using sendgrid for relaying):

transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

onedrive.com smtp:smtp.sendgrid.com
onedrive.co.uk smtp:smtp.sendgrid.com
hotmail.com smtp:smtp.sendgrid.com
hotmail.co.uk smtp:smtp.sendgrid.com
microsoft.com smtp:smtp.sendgrid.com
microsoft.co.uk smtp:smtp.sendgrid.com
live.co.uk smtp:smtp.sendgrid.com
live.com smtp:smtp.sendgrid.com
outlook.com smtp:smtp.sendgrid.com
msn.com smtp:smtp.sendgrid.com

Otherwise, the formatting of your DKIM record in DNS seems weird (try: dig +short 201605sfinacom._domainkey.sfina.com TXT); even if technically valid the intermediate quotes may be influencing 'SmartScreen'.

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