Ralph Seichter <m16+post...@monksofcool.net> wrote on 20.02.2018 at 13:07:

> I've asked Apple several times over the years why both their macOS and iOS 
> mail clients don't support it, but apparently this does not even deserve an 
> answer.

This is going OT regarding Postfix, but both in Mail.app and iOS built-in mail 
you can assign multiple e-mail addresses to an account. I am using both and I 
have nothing to complain about.

The only grievance I have is that in iOS you can have only one S/MIME 
certificate active at a time. The app will try to sign everything with that 
certificate and fails for all but one sender address. macOS Mail.app handles it 
properly. Of course, no PGP support in either.

br, Petri

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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