> On Dec 22, 2018, at 11:34 PM, Matt Saladna <m...@apisnetworks.com> wrote:
> I feared that. Are there any suitable sendmail wrappers that would provide 
> equivalent functionality?

With Postfix, it suffices to set the "MAIL_CONFIG" environment
variable, which results in /usr/sbin/sendmail submitting mail
to a different Postfix instance, provided that instance allows
local submission.  See MULTI_INSTANCE_README.

So the wrapper could be as simple as:

  #! /bin/sh
  export MAIL_CONFIG=/etc/postfix-foo
  exec /usr/sbin/sendmail "$@"

provided you could get the PATH set appropriately in the various
"containers".  If they must all run the same executable, and
a priori custom environment variables are not an option, then
you'll a wrapper than maps the caller's uid to a MAIL_CONFIG

You could of course then attempt to rewrite the message instead,
and forgo the multiple instances.  Your call...


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