Hello there,

first, all the best wishes for 2019!
Let it be a good new year for all of us ;)

I'm running a SuSE Box with postfix version 3.2.0
I also do SPAM checking via amavis-new and spamassassin

after the mail passes postscreen it's directed to amavis-new
amavis-new then re-injects the mail to postfix on port 10025

If amavis-new detects some spam it will add headers like:

X-Spam-Flag: YES
X-Spam-Score: 11.248
X-Spam-Level: ***********

based on those tags I would like to send a BCC to my spam collecting s...@address.com for further inspection and review.

the kill_level in spamassassin is set at 6.5 and the tag2_level is set at 4.0

so all emails with SPAM scores between 4.0 and 6.49 I would like to add a BCC

A bit of googling revealed milter_header_checks & header_checks


so my thinking was to modify master.cf .. the postfix instance where amavis-new re-injects mails and add a header check there inet   n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
  -o milter_header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/milter_header_checks

and in /etc/postfix/milter_header_checks

/^X-Spam-Level:\s****/ BCC s...@address.com

which would then add the additional header and send a BCC?
would this setup make sense? would it work?

also ... how can i test the regex?

thanks & greetings


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