Am 01-Jan-19 um 17:35 schrieb Bastian Blank:
On Tue, Jan 01, 2019 at 12:17:15PM +0100, Admin Beckspaced wrote:
If amavis-new detects some spam it will add headers like:
based on those tags I would like to send a BCC to my spam collecting for further inspection and review.
Ask amavisd-new to quarantine the mail.  Depending on tag- or
kill-level, this is CC_SPAM, CC_SPAMMY,1 or CC_SPAMMY and can be set in

Hello Bastian & Wietse,

thanks a lot for your replies.

Based on Wietse's comment 'this may not work' and equipped with the proper keywords I did a bit more googling on amavis-new ...
... finally added to amavisd.conf the following lines

$quarantine_method_by_ccat{+CC_SPAMMY} = $spam_quarantine_method;
$quarantine_to_maps_by_ccat{+CC_SPAMMY} = [''];

and now i do receive a copy of the tag2_level spammy emails. Nice ;)
More infos on this topic can be found there:

thanks for pointing me in the right direction ;)


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