
I would like to filter SMTP access using geo-localization.

I have installed geoip-bin on my mailserver.

This tool works like nslookup with an IP (geoiplookup @IP) and give geographic informations about this IP and especially the country (FR, DE,...).

My purpose is to filter IPs out of my country to reject SMTP connection.

I must made a linux script, on bash (/usr/bin/policyd-geoip).

But I don't know how the script can tell to postfix if the IP is OK or KO.

For postfix configuration I think that I must do that:

* master.cf:

  policy-geoip unix - n n - 0 spawn

  user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/policyd-geoip

* main.cf:

check_policy_service unix:private/policy-geoip

If someone can help me for this "project".


Philippe - Forums

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