On 2/7/19 2:52 PM, Bill Cole wrote:

But your core point is valid: mailing from an AWS instance (or from anywhere on an IP with a programmatically derived PTR) in general is going to work poorly. There is too little accountability for abuse from the AWS IP pool for it to merit a default level of trust.

Even with a proper reverse DNS if you use a VPS hosting service you have to deal with being blacklisted. Doesn't matter how long you have has the IP either.

Someone spins up a VPS on same subnet and starts spamming and the entire subnet gets put on the blacklist because of showshoe spammers.

What you can do if you don't have the cash to buy your own subnet and use a VPS service, get three of them at different hosting locations and when one gets blacklisted, forward to one of the others to relay until you are removed from the blacklist (usually takes 24 hours because of cached DNS results)

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