On Wed, 14 Aug 2019, Kadlecsik József wrote:

> It seems it's a persistent problem. I tried to contact the postmaster at 
> the other side but of course got the same reject. We'll try to contact 
> them via a third party.

Using a third party as a relay, I got the same error message. Maybe the 
whole address space of .hu is blocked and the error message is just 

Best regards,
E-mail  : kad...@blackhole.kfki.hu, kadlecsik.joz...@wigner.mta.hu
PGP key : http://www.kfki.hu/~kadlec/pgp_public_key.txt
Address : Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
          H-1525 Budapest 114, POB. 49, Hungary

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