Dnia 16.10.2019 o godz. 15:46:19 Asai pisze:
> Our organization is deploying a new upgraded Postfix server and
> we're looking for various options to migrate users from the old to
> the new.  One possibility, we hope, is to do it on a per user basis
> rather than doing it all at once for a whole domain (which is also
> viable, but seems to result in more downtime for users until IT
> staff can make their rounds to their computers).

Do you really have to change anything on users' computers?
I would suggest the following approach:
1) Find some time when the mail system is relatively quiet, and sync the
mail storage from the old server to the new one. Then, make the old server
use the new storage (depends on how you store the mail: if you use regular
directories on filesystem, NFS mount them from new server to old one; if you
use some kind of database, change config on the old server to use database
from the new one - might require shutting down the mail system for a short
while). You've done the hardest part IMHO :)
2) Sync user database from the old server to the new one and make the old
server use the new database (again, depends on how you store the user
information - plain /etc/passwd&/etc/shadow, NIS, some kind of virtual users
in a SQL database etc.)
3) Change the entries in DNS so that A/MX records that were used by the old
server point to new IP address.

As DNS change propagates, new server should graually take over handling mail
with almost nobody noticing it :)
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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