On Mon, 18 Nov 2019 at 12:00, @lbutlr <krem...@kreme.com> wrote:

> Is it safe (or mostly safe) to simply block attempts to deliver mail with
> a helo that is only an IP address? (I am talking about only on
> postfix/stmpd and obviously not on postfix/submit or related).
> I have about 50,000 NOQUEUE reject from "helo=<[]>" over the
> last week, for example. I see very few otherwise, and all are obviously
> spam with return addresses like account-security-nore...@091773.com or
> apple_supp...@0904.ru.

Interesting idea. But I checked my records and - although YMMV - for us it
would have a lot of false positives. (BTW I couldn't do this through mail
logs because mine don't record the helo except when an incoming email is

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