On 17.12.19 08:03, Emanuel wrote:
still not work, i put in there into the file sender_bloqueados this rule:

ferozo-admin.com.ar             dunno

Dec 17 07:57:40 smarthost01-ded postfix/smtp[20790]: 30AF44882E: to=<x...@ferozo-admin.com.ar>, relay=none, delay=0.02, delays=0.02/0/0/0, dsn=5.4.4, status=bounced (Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name=ferozo-admin.com.ar type=AAAA: Host not found)

smtpd doesn't know where to send that message to, since the domain does not

If you know a server that will accept mail for the ferozo-admin.com.ar
domain, you must add it to transport_maps - as I have told you in my
previous mail.

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-recipient-access.cf regexp:/etc/postfix/regex_destinatarios_bloquea

and this looks like invalid setting. If you have multiple databses with
recipient access, you must specify check_recipient_access for each table.

The domain to which I am trying to deliver mail is not a local domain, it is a domain hosted on another server in my network. I assumed that adding the line in the / etc / hosts would work but isn't it, any other ideas?

don't assume. As Wietse already pointed out, postfix uses DNS/MX lookups and
and since you can't put MX to /etc/hosts, you must use DNS or explicit
transport map.

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