On 15 Jan 2020, at 15:12, Noel Jones <njo...@megan.vbhcs.org> wrote:
We've had problems with users mistyping domain names, such as hotmal.com or aoil.com. And they ignore the delay warning message because they still don't notice their typo.

Citát "@lbutlr" <krem...@kreme.com>:
Then they get the bounce when the max queue expires.

The messages in the queue are not hurting anything and unless there are millions and millions of them, they are not worth manually handling (nor adding custom transport maps to “fix” user’s tyops).

On 16.01.20 08:02, azu...@pobox.sk wrote:
I don't agree with this. Yes, technically it isn't a problem but we (and for sure not alone) are using message queue size as a sign of a problem - if there are much more messages then usual, our monitoring software is notifying us. In most cases it is a sign of hacked account which is spamming - in about 50% of such cases, spammers are sending spam very slowly, so you cannot simply note it, that's why we monitor it. And that's why it is a problem when there are lots of messages which you cannot get rid of by any means.

I have the same and one similar problem, mentioned in this list a few days

I have an idea to stop mail from/to long-term undelivable domains, so when
there's mail lingering in queue for such domain for some time, further mail
from/to that domain would temporarily be refused.

It whould work similar to sender/recipient address verification, but not
per-address but per-domain, without explicit verification requests.

Wietse advised policy script:


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