Vieri Di Paola:
> Hi,
> I'm using postfix as an smtp filter (antispam) which then forwards the
> messages to another mail server with user mailboxes.
> This server has private IP addr., and the mailbox server has
> private IP addr.
> So, external e-mails are first received by this filter and then
> forwarded to the mailboxes.
> It has been working fine for years, but a few days ago some e-mails
> were not coming in anymore, and the logs on the filtering server show
> messages such as this one:
> postfix/smtp[13093]: A306E1240B1: to=<>, relay=none,
> delay=0.06, delays=0.06/0/0/0, dsn=5.4.6, status=bounced (mail for
> loops back to myself)

What has changed?

> I'm still trying to understand what that means exactly.

1) It means that postfix/smtp[13093] received a request to deliver
   mail for 

   ***Perhaps it should not have received that request.***

2) It means that postfix/smtp[13093] looked up the MX for
   and found that Postfix itself (through the inet_interfaces and
   proxy_interfaces parameter values) is MX for 

   ***Perhaps inet_interfaces or proxy_interfaces are in error.***

Either way, the Postfix SMTP client will not deliver mail to an IP
address that Postfix is already receiving mail on.

> # grep /etc/postfix/*
> /etc/postfix/ =

Note: that makes the proxy_interfaces dependent on /etc/hosts, DNS,
and so on. All of these can change without ever touching Postfix
code or configuration.

> /etc/postfix/     smtp:[]

I would not analyze this without a proper diagram. One Postfix
instance that delivers mail to itself is an invitation for mailer


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