> On 25 May 2020, at 12:00, Chris Wedgwood <c...@f00f.org> wrote:
>> Greylisting has become pretty much useless.  When I disabled it a
>> couple years ago, the spam levers did not increase by any measurable
>> amount.  We now use just 3 RBLs and that seems to be a relatively
>> acceptable level of spam.
> Checking for %ge of messages that "return after defer" I see:
>    WeekOf      PctReturned
>    ----------  -----------
>    2020-04-30  22.1
>    2020-05-07  26.5
>    2020-05-14  21.2
>    2020-05-21  26.5

I would guess that our users were hit by spammers with more resources ;-)  I 
would have kept greylisting if we had seen numbers like that.

-- Doug

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