The user database is set up because my clients, some bad users, send mass
mailings to non-existent accounts, such as hotmail, gmail, which usually
measure the number of IP bounces. Also sometimes there are cases where the
PC or mobile device is infected with a virus and they use the email account
to send spam, so I add those accounts that they sent to my list because
they can see spam trap. the database has maintenance, the accounts within
it are cleaned as I check them with another system, I only clean those that

here I add some info from the table

mysql> desc virtual_sender_access;
| Field        | Type       | Null | Key | Default            | Extra
| id           | int(11)    | NO  | PRI | NULL               |
auto_increment             |
| source       | varchar(64) | NO  | MUL |                    |
| access       | varchar(64) | NO  |    |                    |
| created_on   | timestamp  | NO  |    | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
| check_bounce | int(11)    | NO  |    | NULL               |
| last_modified | timestamp  | NO  |    | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP  | on update
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show index from virtual_sender_access ;
| Table                | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name
| Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment
 Index_comment |
| virtual_sender_access |         0 | PRIMARY |           1 | id         |
A        |    4225535 |    NULL | NULL  |     | BTREE     |        |
| virtual_sender_access |         1 | source  |           1 | source     |
A        |    4225535 |    NULL | NULL  |     | BTREE     |        |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I would like to know if I can use mongo in the smtpd_recipient_restrictions
parameter anyway. Thank you.


El lun., 13 de jul. de 2020 a la(s) 18:05, Ralph Seichter ( escribió:

> * SysAdmin EM:
> > I use a suppression list where I block domains and email accounts that
> > don't exist to prevent the reputation of my IP addresses from going
> > down. [...] The table currently has 4 million rows, so I am looking
> > for a faster database engine than MySql.
> Can you clarify for me: You try to maintain a database for domains that
> do not exist and email accounts that do not exist? How would that work?
> Both the number of nonexistent domains and and accounts are, while not
> infinite, huge. Why not list the domains and accounts that do exist?
> These numbers are definitely finite.
> As for your choice of database: I am a fan of MongoDB because of its
> capability of storing unstructured data, but here your data does have a
> well-defined, uniform structure. If you use a proper index, MySQL or
> similar relational databases should be quick as blazes.
> -Ralph

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