On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 05:33:46AM -0800, Jon Leech wrote:

>     The only meaningful messages in the mail logs were
> Dec 10 00:01:58 celly postfix/smtp[21050]: warning: relayhost configuration 
> problem
> Dec 10 00:01:58 celly postfix/smtp[21050]: send attr reason = unable to look 
> up host mail.sonic.net: Name or service not known

Is the "smtp" transport using "chroot" in master.cf?

> I can nslookup, dig (either A or MX records), telnet to port
> 587, etc. on mail.sonic.net, so it's not a general system DNS issue.

Are your tests performed as "root" or as an unprivileged user?

> The postfix FAQ sort of touches on this scenario in FAQs 52 and 53,
> but about all I can make of that is that it might be running in a chroot
> without the right resolv.conf or other resource to do a name lookup. If
> that's true, any ideas on how I can figure out where the chroot is?

The chroot is always the Postfix queue directory, typically
/var/spool/postfix.  And its use is specified in the "chroot" column of
the master.cf service definition.

> And why this behavior would have suddenly started happening, without
> any changes in my local configuration (that I initiated, at least, and
> I don't have any auto-updates configured)?

A Debian update?

> I also have a query in to Sonic as to whether anything might have
> changed on their end - they are Linux-friendly, and even the front-line
> support people tend to be clueful.

Upstream is unlikely to be at issue.  Not DNSSEC-signed, but no issues


Best to not nag them with local issues on your end.


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