J Doe:
> Hello,
> I have been experimenting with DSN's regarding delayed e-mails.
> My current config is:
>      /etc/postfix/main.cf
>          delay_notice_recipient = postmaster
>          notify_classes = delay
>          delay_warning_time = 15m
>          confirm_delay_cleared = yes
>              . . .
> ... and this works, sending the postmaster a notification as well as the 
> original sender.
> I note in: man 5 postconf that notify_classes mentions for delay that 
> "The notification is sent to the address specified with the 
> delay_notice_recipient configuration parameter...".
> My question is - if I only want delay DSN's to go to the postmaster and 
> _NOT_ the original sender, how do I configure that ?

Not possible. The xxx_notice_recipient parameters are for postmaster
notifications *in addition to* the notifications to the sender.

If you want to be informed when mail is piling up in the queue,
perhaps "postqueue -j | jq ..." can give you the mail that 
arfrived before some point in time.


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