On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 09:37:17AM +1000, raf <post...@raf.org> wrote:

> I recommend using a CA-approved certificate like
> LetsEncrypt just because Postfix will use the same
> certificate for submissions on port 587, and mail
> clients (like Thunderbird) might complain if a
> self-signed certificate is used in that context.

Actually, that might be wrong. Maybe Thunderbird only
complains about self-signed certificates for getting
mail (IMAPS/POPS), rather than for sending mail
(SMTP/STARTTLS). I don't know. If so, it might only
affect e.g. Dovecot's choice of certificate rather than
Postfix's. But chances are, if you use both, you'll
probably want them to use the same certificate.


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