
I need some help to solve a configuration issue on postfix-2.10.x.

The context:

I am migration from postfix-2.9.x to postfix-2.10.x while preserving configuration files.

On our configuration, we are using the "transport_maps" parameter to get one information in our Ldap server: the targeted "mailHost" for the recipient of  the mail.

The mail server is delivering mail localy if the recipient account is hosted localy , but forward the mail to another mail server if not.

On the postfix-2.9.x all work fine

The problem:

On the postfix-2.10.X mail server , the server does not deliver localy the mail for the localy hosted recipient  accounts but try to resend the mail to the "mailHost" (taken from Ldap).

So postfix-2.10.x detect a loop and drop the message.

The message in aillog looks like: postfix/bounce: bounce_append_proto: ............. act=failed  why=mail  for my-server.mydomain.fr loops back to myself

What I tested:

a) I have removed the "transport_maps" parameter fom the "main.cf" configuration file , and restart the postfix server:

 * so the mail delivery for the local account works fine

b) I try with a custom 'tranport_maps" parameter like this:

 * transport_map = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

       with the "transport" file like this:

       my-domain.fr  :
       .my-domain.fr :
       *             : another-mail-server.fr

       then "postmap transport" to generate the .db file.

 * result : the mail delivery for the local account works fine

c) ) I try to add an entry on the original "transport_maps" we need on our configuration:

 * transport_map =

       with the "transport" file like this:

       my-domain.fr  :
       .my-domain.fr :
       *             : another-mail-server.fr

       then "postmap transport" to generate the .db file.

 * result: the postfix server start but with an error and it does not
   work at all
     o and listening is closed on port 25

Do you have any advice to correct this problem ?

Bests regards.

Claude Chéret

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