On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 12:01:35PM +0100, Dominic Raferd wrote:

> # obtain QIDs, if any
> QIDS=( $("$POSTQUEUE" -j|grep -F '"queue_name": "hold"'|"$JQ" '.arrival_time, 
> .queue_id'|sed 'N;s/\n//;s/"/,/g'|awk -F, -v BEFORE="$BEFORE" '{if 
> ($1<BEFORE) print $2}') )
> echo -n "${#QIDS[*]} mail(s) earlier than $1 found in postfix hold queue: "

Yes, "postqueue -j", "jq" and "postsuper -d - hold" are the right tools for
the job, but "grep" and "sed" really???

    postqueue -j | jq -nr --argjson $days '
              (now - 86400 * $days) as $too_old
            | inputs
            | select(.queue_name == "hold" and .arrival_time  < $too_old) 
            | .queue_id
            | select(test("^\\w+$")) # permit only valid queue-id syntax
        ' |
        postsuper -d - hold


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