There are times when you get temporary blocked and the message has to be
For those cases, hold is a great tool. I do use HOLD for yahoo deliveries
very often.

Em qui., 28 de out. de 2021 às 06:12, Bastian Blank <bastian+postfix-users=> escreveu:

> On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 10:39:52AM +0200, richard lucassen wrote:
> > Anyone here who wrote a shell script that deletes messages older than X
> > days from the hold queue?
> Why do you have _any_ messages in the hold queue?  Don't do that!
> Bastian
> --
> You're too beautiful to ignore.  Too much woman.
>                 -- Kirk to Yeoman Rand, "The Enemy Within", stardate
> unknown

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