It appears that Benny Pedersen <> said:
>On 2022-01-15 20:01, Robert Siemer wrote:
>> I need to DKIM sign possibly huge emails (up to 150MB).


>> A DKIM signer can do this by either keeping the message in memory (a
>> no-go for me) or write it to a file.
>will a mount point on tmpfs work ?, and use this as a tmp path in 
>opendkim ?

tmpfs uses virtual memory, so if it won't fit in process memory, it won't
fit in tmpfs either.

There's no magic bullet here, if he really wants to send these giant files, he
can put them on the disk if that's fast enough, or buy enough RAM so that it
can buffer the files in memory, or if he won't do either, then I guess it wasn't
really a requirement was, it?

I wouldn't dismiss so quickly the comments about putting the giant
files on a web server and putting a link in the mail. While there may
be systems that will accept 100MB mail messages , there are a lot more
that won't. Google says their attachment size limit is 25MB so maybe
he'll find out the hard way.

If you don't want to use your own web server, Amazon's S3 is good for this.
I have 40GB in S3, all accessible via URLs, and it costs less than a dollar a 

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