Dnia 26.04.2022 o godz. 18:59:35 lists pisze:
> I see the snowshoe hackers on my web server and I
> assume they are on my email but I don't read the postfix logs as often. I
> haven't seen a hacker hammer my server in a long time. It is all snowshoe
> these days.

I also have a personal server and I can see both. There is a lot of
snowshoe, but there are also IPs that constantly hammer my submission/smtps
ports for long time, trying subsequent login/passwords combinations (usually
for usernames that never existed on my server :), I only rarely see them
trying an actually existing username). What's interesting, I don't see the
latter behavior with ssh attempts - this is actually almost 100% snowshoe -
but with submissions/smtps, yes, the "hammering" happens all the time.

After I see this behavior in the logs, I usually ban those IPs in iptables

Of course there was a lot more of this "hammering" when some time ago I had
mistakenly AUTH turned on on port 25, so it looks like the bots that try to
crack email passwords are mostly targeting this port.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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