Sean Hennessey:
> I was using the sender_dependent_default_transport_maps to pick
> off what I thought was going to be the interesting from domain.
> The good news is that this mail is coming from customer applications.
> It's not coming from regular user mail clients. So I can guarantee
> there is going to be a single from header. The recipients are also
> never local. This machine is a pure relay.
> Looks like it's time to learn me some milter. Can you recommend
> any good places to start on walking me through building one. I've
> got a programming background, so coding doesn't scare me.
> Thanks again.

There are language bindings for C, Perl, Python, Rust, ..., and even PHP.
So there will likely be one that you wuold be comfortable with.

These implement something similar to the Sendmail reference API:


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