Sean Gallagher via Postfix-users:
> The most misleading place for me was the ADDRESS_CLASS_README
> For "The virtual alias domain class" it says:
> "Valid recipient addresses are listed with the virtual_alias_maps 
> parameter"
> which is of course true, but there is nothing special about the virtual 
> alias domain class in that respect. After reading that readme, one could 
> be forgiven for thinking that the virtual_alias_maps would not be 
> applied to the other domain classes.
> The virtual_alias_maps parameter should at least be mentioned in the 
> recipient address text of the other domain class explanations.
> Perhaps another less confusing way to document it would be to describe a 
> "class-less" mode of operation that uses just the virtual_alias_maps and 
> transport_maps, and go on to say that class-full and class-less routing 
> can co-exist.

sorry, that class-less idea ignores the REQUIREMENT for recipient
address validation.  The Postfix SMTP server MUST accept only
recipient addresses match the recipient table for their address

> Resolve address to section
> I think the virtual_alias_domain should be in both tables.

Sorry, that is wrong. At this point in message processing, there
are NO RECIPIENTS in a virtual alias domain. 

By definition, all valid recipients in a virtual alias domain are
rewritten to a different domain class. Any addresses that are still
in a virtual alias domain are returned as 'user unknown'.

> Q: how would an entry in virtual_alias_maps like 
> localpart@$virtual_alias_domains localpart@$virtual_alias_domains be 
> handled? A: It would stay in $virtual_alias_domains and be handed to 
> {$transport_maps, $default_transport} ???

No, absolutely not. Again, at this point there are NO recipients
in a virtual alias domain.

By definition, all valid recipients in a virtual alias domain are
rewritten to a different domain class. Any addresses that are still
in a virtual alias domain are returned as 'user unknown'.

I'll stop here.

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