Hello Hiro,

>I am willing to bet PM beta or any beat for that matter releases with no
>debugger.  It is simply not practical.

No, I meant debugging code still enabled with PM itself.  Debugging code
helps the programmer identify problems but generally decreases
performance.  I am assuming CTM Dev stripped the debugging code out for
what we are using, but since I've only noticed this performance issue
with Beta (i.e. not general release) updates, I figure it is a distinct

>I am sure you already know that OSX10.2.8 was not the most stable OSX. 
>Apple hacked OSX10.2.6 for G5 release, and superimposed security patches
>of that OSX10.2.7 to make OSX10.2.8 for the rest.  As we clearly
>remember, Apple Forums was full of problem reports.

Again with the conspiracy theories :-)  I've been using PM and 10.2.8 for
many months now.  It was only after I started using the PM Beta builds
that I noticed a slowdown.  The most logical place to start is with PM
because that is where the equation was changed most directly.  If Jerome
has no suggestions, and nobody else has problems, then I'll scratch my
head and look for other possible reasons.

So, I take it you have noticed no address lookup slowdown with the latest
PM build?


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