FWIW, I use my script almost exclusively to report spam emails to
Spamcop. For those of you who care, these are my results.

After fiddling with settings, making white lists, training SpamSieve,
etc, I now get (estimated) 150 spam emails a day of which 140-145 are
stopped by spam cop (type I error: 3-7%), and perhaps 1/month are
incorrectly stopped (type II error << 0.1%). Of the spams that get
through, about 70% are correctly identified by SpamSieve (type I error:
30%) and about 1/mail day is incorrectly identified as spam by SpamSieve
(type II error: ~5%, if I get 20 emails/day).

It shows you how effective Spamcop can be--and how pervasive spam is.


Stephane Terreaux at Thu, 1 Jul 2004 22:17:54 +0200 said:

>no ideas about spamcop

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