anyone know the answer to this?

>>hey everyone. i'm evaluating PowerMail and so far i like what i see.
>>after having tried and rejected four email client programs over the last
>>few months, i might have found one that i can live with finally.
>>however, the documentation and/or support is a bit...scanty. no
>>downloadable manual, so i can't do a search for something. and no word

>>from the developers on my question. so i thought i'd try the forum.

>>thanks in advance for any help!
>>how do i get to the raw source text in an email? i want to continue
>>reporting spam to, and PowerMail doesn't want me to see what
>>lies underneath.
>>i know about the pop up menu at the bottom, where i can "show plain text
>>with header". and then i can select "show full header" in the menu
>>options. but here are my questions:
>>- why isn't it showing me everything? PowerMail seems to abbreviate the
>>email, especially emails that have been processed in one version of Spam
>>Assassin. on one of my servers, Spam Assassin includes the spam email as
>>part of another email, so there are two sets of headers. the second set
>>of headers seems to make PowerMail lose the rest of the message, but i
>>can't be sure.
>>- why does PM sometimes put the headers at the end of the email, and
>>other times at the beginning? i've found that i can display the full
>>headers the first time, and they're put at the end. i hide and then show
>>them again, and they're ate the beginning.
>>- spamcop reports some problems being able to parse URLs in the body of
>>the email. apparently this is due to PM inserting cr's where there
>>shouldn't be any, instead of just wrapping. i don't know if that's the
>>actual problem, but spamcop's faq lists that as a common source of trouble.
>>so basically, any tips for using PM with spamcop?
>>   -matt haines

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