On 28/06/2004 at 8:27 PM I saw cheshirekat type:

>This message is about the Views menu and viewing options.
>First, shouldn't "View Options..." be listed right under the "View All",
>"View Unread" and "View Only..." choices?

No idea. Sounds like a good idea.

>Secondly, I prefer the 3 pane views of the Browser Layout because then I
>don't have PM message windows opening in different places and sizes.
>However, when viewing messages in either of the 3 pane views, I can't
>figure out a shortcut for "Delete current viewed message" and go to the
>previous or next message. If I double-click a message in the list, it
>opens in a separate window, and THEN I can use shortcuts for deleting and
>moving to the next message.

Command-Delete will delete the current message and select the next/
previous message based on your preferences. Note: This may reflect the
fact that I'm using 10.3.4 instead of 10.2.8 OS X.

>Also, when viewing messages in the 3-pane views, why are all the
>attachment options in File>Attachments always unavailable? It would be
>nice to right-click (sorry, control-click for those without multiple
>input device buttons) or select one of the menu options to act on the
>attachments of an incoming message without opening the message.

This threw me at first. I regularly deal with a lot of attachments and
thought maybe I was doing something different. I went back and checked,
and I can access the attachment options via the contextual menu. Again,
it may be partially an issue of OS versioning too. Is your mailserver

>"Open attachment", "Show in Finder" and "Move to Finder trash" are the
>enabled choices. Is it possible to have these options available when in
>list view without resorting to the multiple-step process of opening the
>message and clicking in the attachment area?

I'd also like to suggest one addition option to the contextual menu when
dealing with attachments. For those attachments that have lost their
connection, it would be nice if the contextual menu could offer the
"Reattach Lost Attachments" functionality found in the script menu. It
seems like the natural extension of the menu and location.


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