Thank you cheshirekat for making these scripts available.

On 25 June Subhash wrote:

>No, one cannot download the text file. I tried the script
>"TextSelection2NewSmileDoc.sF452", that works. Why give the text file for
>download? Just upload the .txt version without .hqx and everything should
>work fine. A person interested in AppleScripts is able to save a text in
>a browser window I think.

The file 'AppleScriptsDescribed.txt-binhex.hqx' downloaded fine under OS
9 with Mozilla (WaMCom).  The file name is too long for my ancient system
but Stuffit 7  handled it OK with the usual aplomb.  And Tex-Edit
converted those pesky LFs to CRs.

Stuffit expanded 'PoboxSpamTagRemover.scpt.sitx-binhex.hqx' OK too.  When
I tried to look at it in Smile, I got Error -39 which, I believe, is an
indication that the EOF marker is reached before the end of the file. 
Maybe this arises because the file was compressed with an OS X version of
Stuffit(?).  My interest here is to look at and possibly modify the
script to use with PM 4.2.1.  If modification is not practicable, then
I'll forget it.  If however it is, could it be uploaded (or sent off-
line) as an old fashioned .sit file please.  

-- Charles

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