On Mon, Jun 7, 20044:15 PM, the following words from Mikael Byström
[EMAIL PROTECTED], emerged from a plethora of SPAM ...

>>If you're the one and only user of PM on your Mac, place this folder into
>>the "PowerMail"-program-folder (if there would be an other one with the
>>same name, first delete this one).
>One should NEVER put data files along the application. What if you update
>the application and have forgotten where your data is? I even keep all my
>user files on a separate partition to further separate OS, apps and
>production data. Also makes it a lot easier to knwo what folders need
>backing up.

I agree that user data files should not be placed in the same folder as
the application - in most cases. There are a few occasions that have
warranted this prior to OS X, but I don't see the need in OS X. It's not
a good situation to be in when a new version of an application creates a
new install folder and deletes the old folder without warning. It's
always best to assume that the developer's installer won't be as cautious
about saving your stuff as you'd like.

I once moved my "PowerMail Files" folder to my Documents folder for
easier backup as I always backup the entire Documents folder. I'm getting
ready to do that again. I think I made a duplicate of the folder in my
Documents folder, then chose the "Switch User Environment" option before
deleting the "PowerMail Files" folder in user/Mail/ - is this correct? Or
do I import the "PowerMail Files" folder that I move to my Documents folder?

Also, does anyone know specifically what the "PowerMail Prefs" file is
for in the preferences folder? I've made a backup copy of my PM key, but
haven't been saving this preference file when I do backups. I also
haven't yet needed to use one of my PowerMail backups, so I don't know
what PM would be lacking without that file. I'm curious because I'm
getting ready to reformat my internal hard drive now that my new external
backup drive has finally arrived, so I want to be sure to backup
everything required.
I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have
plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into
my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music.
- George Eliot (1819 - 1880)

* 867 PowerBook G4 * OS X 10.2.8 * 768 MB Ram *

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