Spamsieve is now working beautifully.  Thanks for the ideas.  What made
it work?  One of these two things (done simultaneously so I can't say
which was the magic touch)

1.  I deleted the extra copy of SS that was downloaded with PM5
2.  Under Spam:Evaluate I changed the setting from "all conditions are
met" to "any condition is met".  The conditions are:

from/send is not in address
from/send is not in previous
to or cc does not use your

The action is 'evaluate spam rating'

Spam:Evaluate is my very first filter, followed by Spam:actions.  It
seems to be applying all the filters that come afterwards well (list
mail, add to address book, etc.)

Gunnar Madsen

>I had some initial trouble with Spamsieve under PM5, however it's now
>working okay and I have *not* had to set my SPAM: Evaluation filter to
>'Always'. It is set to 'Sender is not in address book', as set by the
>Spam Filter Assistant.
>The problem turned out to be the fact that I didn't notice that there was
>a version of SpamSieve in the PM5 folder that I downloaded (makes sense I
>guess since the download process is separate from the license purchasing
>process). Evidently the system was having difficulty deciding which copy
>of SS to send the message to and so the message was falling between two
>Deleting the version of Spam Sieve that was in the PM folder solved the
>Hope this helps;
>G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.3.2  ::  PM 5.0b12  ::  3 pane mode
>Original message:
>Received from Andy Fragen on 30/5/04 at 10:18 pm
>>Is your [spam: evalutate] filter set to [always]?
>>Andy Fragen
>>On Sun, May 30, 2004, Gunnar Madsen said:
>>>I'd had spamsieve for a couple of weeks with the 4.x version of PM, and
>>>it was working beautifully.  I've upgraded to PM 5.0, and something's not
>>>right now.
>>>Only 1/3 to 1/2 of spam is identified correctly - the rest is going in my
>>>inbox.  I dutifully mark them all as spam, and when I check the stats in
>>>SS, it seems to be adding the messages to the corpus, but it rarely
>>>claims any of them as false positives, and trumpets its performance as
>>>95% or more.
>>>I must be doing something wrong - but what?  I've tried all kinds of
>>>variations with the spam filter assistant, and with the SS
preferences.  TIA

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