okay then!

i go File -> Switch User Environment... and whether i choose the PM Files 
folder that 5 installed in ~/Library/Mail or my old PM Files folder from 
PowerMail 4, PowerMail unexpectedly quits. here, for any extremely geeky 
people who might be interested, is the log:


Date/Time:      2004-04-20 18:47:09 -0400
OS Version:     10.3.3 (Build 7F44)
Report Version: 2

Command: PowerMail
Path:    /Applications/PowerMail 5.0b12/PowerMail 5.0b12/Contents/MacOS/
Version: PowerMail version 5.0b12 (5.0b12)
PID:     25241
Thread:  0

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0xfffffff0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x000210cc 
_ZN11CWindowList15CloseAllWindowsEP15CDatabaseWindowl + 0x130
1   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x00020f58 
_ZN11CWindowList11AttemptQuitEl + 0x24
2   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x0000acf8 
_ZN6CPMApp14CloseUserFilesEhl + 0x4dc
3   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x00008940 
_ZN6CPMApp15SwitchUserFilesEP6FSSpec + 0x668
4   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x0000ffdc _ZN6CPMApp11ObeyCommandElPv 
+ 0x468
5   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002501f8 
_ZN10LCommander14ProcessCommandElPv + 0x6c
6   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x00254a8c 
_ZN16LEventDispatcher12ClickMenuBarERK11EventRecord + 0x9c
7   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002548dc 
_ZN16LEventDispatcher14EventMouseDownERK11EventRecord + 0x78
8   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002545a0 
_ZN16LEventDispatcher13DispatchEventERK11EventRecord + 0x9c
9   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x0030bbe8 
_ZN10LTSMDocApp16ProcessNextEventEv + 0x110
10  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x000119c0 
_ZN6CPMApp16ProcessNextEventEv + 0x54
11  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x0024dc5c _ZN12LApplication3RunEv + 
12  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x00004578 main + 0xc8
13  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x00004400 _start + 0x188
14  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x00004274 start + 0x30

Thread 1:
0   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x900075c8 mach_msg_trap + 0x8
1   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x90007118 mach_msg + 0x38
2   com.unsanity.ape                    0xc000a954 __ape_internal + 0x90b8
3   com.unsanity.ape                    0xc0001328 __ape_agent + 0x40
4   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 2:
0   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x900075c8 mach_msg_trap + 0x8
1   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x90007118 mach_msg + 0x38
2   ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore      0x90293474 SwitchContexts + 0x60
3   ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore      0x90288c9c YieldToThread + 0x104
4   ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore      0x90296004 SetThreadState + 0xc0
5   ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore      0x902d16b4 SetThreadStateEndCritical + 
6   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x0024c8b0 
_ZN7LThread7SemWaitEP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRh + 0x124
7   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002bdc98 
_ZN10LSemaphore11BlockThreadEl + 0x54
8   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002bdb5c _ZN10LSemaphore4WaitEl + 
9   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x0024b2b4 _ZN7LThread7Cleanup3RunEv + 
10  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x0024ceac _ZN7LThread7DoEntryEPv + 
11  ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore      0x902dc210 InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 0x18
12  ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore      0x902a6ff4 CooperativeThread + 0xdc
13  libSystem.B.dylib                   0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 3:
0   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x9001a5ac syscall + 0xc
1   ...ple.CoreServices.OSServices      0x9061f3fc BSD_waitevent + 0x2c
2   ...ple.CoreServices.OSServices      0x9061bdf0 CarbonSelectThreadFunc + 
3   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 4:
0   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x90017048 semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 
1   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x9000e890 _pthread_cond_wait + 0x270
2   ...ple.CoreServices.OSServices      0x90626630 CarbonOperationThreadFunc + 
3   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 5:
0   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x90017048 semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 
1   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x9000e890 _pthread_cond_wait + 0x270
2   ...ple.CoreServices.OSServices      0x9064c700 CarbonATOperThreadFunc + 
3   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x000210cc srr1: 0x0000f030                vrsave: 0x00000000
    cr: 0x22800244  xer: 0x00000004   lr: 0x00020fbc  ctr: 0x00020f9c
    r0: 0x00000000   r1: 0xbfffd790   r2: 0x00000000   r3: 0x004f0fbc
    r4: 0x00000000   r5: 0x61736b20   r6: 0x00000000   r7: 0x00000001
    r8: 0x00000007   r9: 0xa00011ac  r10: 0x0000054f  r11: 0x05e02004
   r12: 0x00020f9c  r13: 0x004ea830  r14: 0x0000fb90  r15: 0xbffff2c0
   r16: 0x00000402  r17: 0x00000001  r18: 0x0052af24  r19: 0x0052af20
   r20: 0x00526440  r21: 0x00000000  r22: 0x005259c8  r23: 0x61736b20
   r24: 0x61736b20  r25: 0x00525b34  r26: 0xfffffff0  r27: 0x005259c8
   r28: 0x01333ee0  r29: 0x00000000  r30: 0x004e9440  r31: 0x004e9458

Binary Images Description:
    0x1000 -   0x45cfff com.ctmdev.PowerMail PowerMail version 5.0b12 (5.0b12)
        /Applications/PowerMail 5.0b12/PowerMail 5.0b12/Contents/MacOS/PowerMail
  0x66f000 -   0x678fff com.stuffit.sdk StuffIt version 7.0.3 (7.0.3)
  0x7bc000 -   0x7c4fff com.unsanity.xounds Xounds version 2.1 (2.1)
 0x108a000 -  0x10a6fff com.unsanity.windowshadex WindowShade X version 3.1 
(3.1)   /Users/walt/Library/Application Enhancers/WindowShade X.ape/Contents/
MacOS/WindowShade X
 0x10be000 -  0x10c0fff com.apple.textencoding.unicode 1.6.4
        /System/Library/TextEncodings/Unicode Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
Unicode Encodings
 0x10d1000 -  0x10d3fff com.apple.textencoding.japanese 1.6.4
        /System/Library/TextEncodings/Japanese Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
Japanese Encodings
 0x10db000 -  0x10ddfff com.apple.textencoding.chinese 1.6.4
        /System/Library/TextEncodings/Chinese Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
Chinese Encodings
 0x10e8000 -  0x10e9fff com.apple.textencoding.korean 1.6.4
        /System/Library/TextEncodings/Korean Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
Korean Encodings
 0x1246000 -  0x12919b1 CarbonLibpwpc   PEF binary: CarbonLibpwpc
 0x1393220 -  0x13932d2 CFMPriv_CoreFoundation 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_CoreFoundation
 0x13938a0 -  0x1393917 CFMPriv_System  PEF binary: CFMPriv_System
 0x1393b90 -  0x1393c60 CFMPriv_CarbonSound 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_CarbonSound
 0x1393cd0 -  0x1393da3 CFMPriv_CommonPanels 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_CommonPanels
 0x1393e70 -  0x1393f2b CFMPriv_Help    PEF binary: CFMPriv_Help
 0x1393f30 -  0x1393ffa CFMPriv_HIToolbox 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_HIToolbox
 0x1394070 -  0x1394146 CFMPriv_HTMLRendering9; 9<p 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_HTMLRendering9; 9<p
 0x13941b0 -  0x1394283 CFMPriv_ImageCapture 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_ImageCapture
 0x1394300 -  0x13943e5 CFMPriv_NavigationServices 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_NavigationServices
 0x1394450 -  0x1394526 CFMPriv_OpenScripting?MacBLib 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_OpenScripting?MacBLib
 0x13945f0 -  0x13946ae CFMPriv_Print   PEF binary: CFMPriv_Print
 0x13946c0 -  0x139478d CFMPriv_SecurityHI 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_SecurityHI
 0x1394800 -  0x13948e2 CFMPriv_SpeechRecognition 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_SpeechRecognition
 0x1394950 -  0x1394a23 CFMPriv_CarbonCore 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_CarbonCore
 0x1394a90 -  0x1394b63 CFMPriv_OSServices 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_OSServices
 0x1394c30 -  0x1394cf2 CFMPriv_AE      PEF binary: CFMPriv_AE
 0x1394d00 -  0x1394dc5 CFMPriv_ATS     PEF binary: CFMPriv_ATS
 0x1394e30 -  0x1394f07 CFMPriv_ColorSync 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_ColorSync
 0x1394f80 -  0x1395063 CFMPriv_FindByContent9@ 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_FindByContent9@
 0x13950d0 -  0x13951aa CFMPriv_HIServices 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_HIServices
 0x1395210 -  0x13952f0 CFMPriv_LangAnalysis 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_LangAnalysis
 0x1395380 -  0x1395466 CFMPriv_LaunchServices 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_LaunchServices
 0x1395540 -  0x1395617 CFMPriv_PrintCore 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_PrintCore
 0x1395620 -  0x13956e2 CFMPriv_QD      PEF binary: CFMPriv_QD
 0x13957e0 -  0x13958c9 CFMPriv_SpeechSynthesis 
        PEF binary: CFMPriv_SpeechSynthesis
 0x15fb000 -  0x175754f StuffItEngineShell 
        PEF binary: StuffItEngineShell
 0x1699600 -  0x16cc30b SupportLib      PEF binary: SupportLib
 0x16cc310 -  0x1750dca StuffitEngineShell(opt) 
        PEF binary: StuffitEngineShell(opt)
 0x1779000 -  0x17955e0 apple   PEF binary: apple
 0x179d000 -  0x17c2a96 arc{    PEF binary: arc{
 0x17cc000 -  0x17ee36a arjÎ    PEF binary: arjÎ
 0x51a2000 -  0x51c452d binhex  PEF binary: binhex
 0x51c5000 -  0x51dd69d btoa    PEF binary: btoa
 0x51e4000 -  0x52117c9 bz2{    PEF binary: bz2{
 0x521b000 -  0x523eb02 compress9÷–    PEF binary: compress9÷–
 0x5247000 -  0x52685f5 cpt{    PEF binary: cpt{
 0x5272000 -  0x5276d1c freeze  PEF binary: freeze
 0x5277000 -  0x52aa4fb gzΛ    PEF binary: gzΛ
 0x52b6000 -  0x52e84fd lha{    PEF binary: lha{
 0x52f5000 -  0x53126bd macbin  PEF binary: macbin
 0x531a000 -  0x53379db mime    PEF binary: mime
 0x533f000 -  0x5342dc5 pack    PEF binary: pack
 0x5343000 -  0x5364472 pfª    PEF binary: pfª
 0x536d000 -  0x53ad923 rar{    PEF binary: rar{
 0x53bc000 -  0x53c3f19 sco{    PEF binary: sco{
 0x53c4000 -  0x545fa61 sit{    PEF binary: sit{
 0x5481000 -  0x54a8822 sitseg  PEF binary: sitseg
 0x54b2000 -  0x55fc499 sitx    PEF binary: sitx
 0x56fd000 -  0x5730140 tar{    PEF binary: tar{
 0x573d000 -  0x5759457 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       PEF binary: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 0x5761000 -  0x57cb485 zip{    PEF binary: zip{
 0x6107000 -  0x610dfff com.TypeIt4Me.InputMethod 1.0
0x78160000 - 0x7818dfff libssl.0.9.dylib        /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.dylib
0x8a550000 - 0x8a550fff com.apple.securitynssasn1 1.1 (11.1)
0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4ffff dyld    /usr/lib/dyld
0x90000000 - 0x90122fff libSystem.B.dylib 
0x90190000 - 0x9023dfff com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.3.3 (299.3)
0x90280000 - 0x904f9fff com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 10.3.3
0x90570000 - 0x905defff com.apple.framework.IOKit 1.3.2 (???)
0x90610000 - 0x90699fff com.apple.CoreServices.OSServices 3.0 (3.0.0)
0x90700000 - 0x90700fff com.apple.CoreServices 10.3 (???)
0x90720000 - 0x90787fff com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 2.1.2
0x907f0000 - 0x907f9fff com.apple.DiskArbitration 2.0.2
0x90810000 - 0x90810fff com.apple.ApplicationServices 1.0 (???)
0x90830000 - 0x9089ffff libobjc.A.dylib         /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x90910000 - 0x90983fff com.apple.DesktopServices 1.2.1
0x909f0000 - 0x90b4afff com.apple.Foundation 6.3.4 (500.54)
0x90d00000 - 0x90d1bfff com.apple.SystemConfiguration 1.7.1 (???)
0x90d40000 - 0x90d40fff com.apple.Carbon 10.3 (???)
0x90da0000 - 0x90dc0fff com.apple.DirectoryService.Framework 1.6.1
0x90df0000 - 0x90df4fff com.apple.JavaVM 1.4.2 (1.4.2 Release 1)
0x90ec0000 - 0x90ec0fff com.apple.Cocoa 6.3 (???)
0x910b0000 - 0x910fffff com.apple.bom 1.2.4 (63)
0x912a0000 - 0x912bdfff com.apple.audio.SoundManager 3.8
0x912e0000 - 0x912f7fff com.apple.LangAnalysis 1.5.4
0x91320000 - 0x913defff ColorSync       /System/Library/Frameworks/
0x91460000 - 0x91473fff com.apple.speech.synthesis.framework 3.2
0x914a0000 - 0x91509fff com.apple.htmlrendering 1.1.2
0x91560000 - 0x91619fff com.apple.QD 3.4.63 (???)
0x91670000 - 0x916a8fff com.apple.AE 1.3.2
0x916e0000 - 0x91773fff com.apple.print.framework.PrintCore 3.3
0x917e0000 - 0x917f0fff com.apple.speech.recognition.framework 3.3
0x91810000 - 0x9182afff com.apple.openscripting 1.2.1 (???)
0x91850000 - 0x91860fff com.apple.ImageCapture 2.1.0
0x91890000 - 0x9189cfff com.apple.help 1.0.1
0x918c0000 - 0x918cdfff com.apple.CommonPanels 1.2.1 (1.0)
0x918f0000 - 0x9193efff com.apple.print.framework.Print 3.3
0x91990000 - 0x9199bfff com.apple.securityhi 1.2 (90)
0x919c0000 - 0x91a33fff com.apple.NavigationServices 3.3.1
0x91a90000 - 0x91a90fff com.apple.audio.units.AudioUnit 1.3.1
0x91ab0000 - 0x91ac4fff libCGATS.A.dylib        /System/Library/Frameworks/
0x91ae0000 - 0x91aebfff libCSync.A.dylib        /System/Library/Frameworks/
0x91b10000 - 0x91b2afff libPDFRIP.A.dylib 
0x91b50000 - 0x91b5ffff libPSRIP.A.dylib        /System/Library/Frameworks/
0x91b80000 - 0x91b93fff libRIP.A.dylib  /System/Library/Frameworks/
0x92070000 - 0x92096fff com.apple.FindByContent 1.4 (1.2)
0x920c0000 - 0x922a7fff com.apple.security 2.2 (164.1)
0x92430000 - 0x92468fff com.apple.LaunchServices 10.3 (84)
0x92650000 - 0x926f3fff libcrypto.0.9.dylib 
0x92740000 - 0x92777fff com.apple.CFNetwork 1.2.1 (7)
0x927d0000 - 0x92b54fff com.apple.HIToolbox 1.3.2 (???)
0x939f0000 - 0x93ad7fff com.apple.AddressBook.framework 1.1 (290)
0xc0000000 - 0xc000efff com.unsanity.ape 1.4.1


i just don't think PowerMail and i are meant to be together.


Quoting Emily Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> At 7:05 AM -0500 on Tuesday, April 20, 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >the release notes say that when i first launch PowerMail it will ask me
> >if i want to create a new database or convert my old one. it didn't. i
> >double-clicked the key (serial number-installing) file and it asked me if
> >i wanted to update PowerMail with the key in it and i said yes and
> >PowerMail launched, but it never asked me about converting my old database.
> When I launched the PM 5 beta for the first time, I had to choose File ->
> Database -> Switch User Environment; then I got a dialog box asking me to
> locate my PowerMail Files folder.
> As for the order, this is from the "Thank You" page that came up when I
> placed my order for PM 5: "No charge will be applied to your credit card
> before PowerMail 5.0 ships in final release form. You will then receive
> an e-mail with instructions on downloading your  purchased copy of
> PowerMail as soon as your order has been processed and a full PowerMail 5
> key will ship again after the final release." So, I'm not expecting to
> hear from them until the final release of PM 5.
> Emily

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