ever try trouble shooting a client or a friend on the phone? sometimes,
people click on many things, even though one explicitly told them only to
click onto one specific button. after they are all flustered because the
application does not what it 'should do' but they do not remember what
all they clicked before the problem begun and the person trying to help
can not make any sense of the fact why the other person is having all
these problems IF the person just would have done in the first place what
had been told.

trying to help you seems a little bit to be in the same boat.

you are having problems, the bulk of other people don't have, so
obviously something is different - either your setup or your computer or
the sequence in what you are doing or just because you have green hair or
something else (I hope it is clear to you that I am being humorous here).
you are unhappy with PM right now, fine - we will try and help you but we
guarantee nothing.

the basic question is, how many different Power Mail folders do you have
on your drive? Where is your PM4 database? If you imported it into PM, do
you still have the original exported file? Can you delete everything PM
related, inclusive the PM message database except the PM5beta image file?
This means, delete any PM folder in your user/mail directory or wherever
you put it on your drive plus the PM application files/folder in your
application directory plus double-check your library folder for anything
Power Mail or CTM or CTMDEV related and delete that too, maybe even make
a search on your drive for anything of the above - the only thing to keep
is the Power Mail image file... you know, goal is to make a clean slate.

once you've done that, log out and then back in on your computer.

now do again the steps as outlined below, except as you do not have a
message database, just start as a new user and from there, once you have
that, import the database from whatever email program you are trying to


------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------

>okay; tried it, the dialog box under e) did not appear, and i was not in
>a new 
>database with no messages; i was in the PowerMail application with no
>open at all. this is how PowerMail launches for me every time now.
>is there a prefs file i can trash in an effort to start over?
>Quoting Marlyse Comte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I'd suggest the following:
>> a) delete the demo v4 instance (application folder)
>> b) move the beta v5 version into the application folder
>> c) copy the beta v5 key into the application folder
>> d) drag the beta v5 key onto the application
>> e) now you should be presented with the new database or the convert
>> database dialog
>> f) select the convert database and via the presented dialog box choose
>> the message index file
>> g) optional: if the dialog box under e) did not appear, you are now
>> probably in an opened, new database with no messages. if so, go to the
>> menubar, database and choose new user environment and proceed with select
>> the message index file via the dialog box.
>> ---marlyse

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