On   Fri, Apr 09, 2004  at  2:37 PM,   Frank Mitchell   sent forth:

>Have a "File in after sending" popup menu in the outgoing message window
>similar to that in the incoming message window.
>Right now, to file his sent messages, the user has to open the Out Tray,
>scroll to the desired folder, open it to show the sub-folder (if
>necessary) and drag the Sent message into it. Then repeat this for every
>message sent.
>-- Frank Mitchell, Scottsdale, Arizona

Not so.

There are two options for automation available:

1)  Use the "General" Preferences to set a default folder for sent mail.

2)  Use filters to move sent mail to an appropriate folder.

Now it is true that one-off choices are manual but I've found that those
happen rarely, if ever.  Essentially all my outgoing mail is
automatically moved to the appropriate folder and I can't recall a time
when I couldn't classify my outgoing mail with a permanent filter.

In case anybody thinks I've got a dead simple setup, I should tell you
that I successfully use PowerMail to manage 28 folders, including 1
subfolder plus 4 or 5 accounts each with their own set of filters. 
Included in that is the administration of 2 mailing lists.

While the above might be less than some, I would argue that it is more
than most and nicely demonstrates the power of the application.

Tim Lapin

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