On Fri, Apr 09, 2004, the following words from Frank Mitchell
[EMAIL PROTECTED], emerged from a plethora of SPAM ...

>Just for fun I counted my current folders.
>Right now I have 85 folder, 108 sub-folders and 74 sub-sub-folders. That
>makes a total of 267 today. There will be more in the future and they are
>constantly changing.
>If I understood you correctly, I am not about to load up PM with 267
>filters and give myself the job of keeping them all up to date. I would
>like PM to do the job for me in the same way it does my incoming mail.


When I used Claris Emailer I had about 3 times as many filters and
folders as I currently have in PowerMail. The only reason I have just 67
folders and 81 filters at the moment is because I've been considering
switching to a different email client. With Claris Emailer, I could
reliably use AppleScripts in my filters, and I wasn't nearly as
meticulous or organized then as I am these days. Unfortunately, from what
I've gleaned from gripes from the users of other email programs, there
just isn't yet an email program that does everything I want. Although
Entourage probably comes the closest, and I have already paid for it when
I bought Office X.

Once you have the majority of your folders and filters set up, it's just
a matter of taking the time for maintenance and modifications. Even with
the amount of filters you currently have, you don't find that you truly
get to rest without a tweak, addition or big modification, do you? The
hardest part is starting with a new email client. I haven't really used
Apple's Mail for several months, but I have gone in and made changes to
the filters when I'm perturbed that PM won't do something I want it to
do. Then I usually just return to PM after Apple's Mail won't do
something I want it to do either. I still fume about PM about once a
week, but I don't have near as much time to check out other options as
thoroughly as I'd like to, so I spend more time working with the things
PM gets right. I too change my filters and folders frequently and the
majority of my email doesn't even stay in PowerMail very long before
getting AppleScripted to FileMaker Pro. Nonetheless, when I'm working in
PowerMail, I get some satisfaction out of my efforts when my filters have
my email falling right into their proper designations with proper labels
and such.

BTW, here's an AppleScript you can use so that you don't have to manually
count your folders and filters - just in case you don't already have such
an AppleScript:

<Begin AppleScript>
property preMsg : "You currently have: " & return
property postcC : " Message folders"
property postfC : " Message Filters"
property postclC : " Text Clippings"
property postsigC : " Signatures"
property ret : return
property bttnList : {"Thanks", "Put on Clipboard"}
property defBttn : "Put on Clipboard"

to concatenateData(cCnt, fCnt, clCnt, sigCnt)
        return (preMsg & cCnt & postcC & ret & fCnt & postfC & ret & clCnt &
postclC & ret & sigCnt & postsigC)
end concatenateData

to displayTotals(statsTxt)
        set the dialogBttn to the button returned of (display dialog statsTxt
buttons bttnList default button 2)
        if the dialogBttn is the defBttn then
                set the clipboard to the statsTxt
        end if
end displayTotals

tell application "PowerMail"
        set the containerCnt to count message containers
        set the filterCnt to count filters
        set the clipCnt to count text clippings
        set the sigCnt to count text signatures
        set the statsTxt to my concatenateData(containerCnt, filterCnt, clipCnt,
        my displayTotals(the statsTxt)
end tell
-- The above will count your PowerMail; message folders, filters, text
-- and the text signatures and display the information in a dialog.
-- The dialog will give you an option to put the entire results
-- onto the clipboard.
<End AppleScript>


Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca, writer and philosopher

* 867 PowerBook G4 * OS X 10.2.8 * 768 MB Ram *

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