*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
This doesn't count subfolders on my install. Here's a fix for it.

property preMsg : "You currently have: " & return
property postcC : " Message folders"
property postfC : " Message Filters"
property postclC : " Text Clippings"
property postsigC : " Signatures"
property ret : return
property bttnList : {"Thanks", "Put on Clipboard"}
property defBttn : "Put on Clipboard"

to concatenateData(cCnt, fCnt, clCnt, sigCnt)
        return (preMsg & cCnt & postcC & ret & fCnt & postfC & ret & clCnt &
postclC & ret & sigCnt & postsigC)
end concatenateData

to displayTotals(statsTxt)
        set the dialogBttn to the button returned of (display dialog statsTxt
buttons bttnList default button 2)
        if the dialogBttn is the defBttn then
                set the clipboard to the statsTxt
        end if
end displayTotals

tell application "PowerMail"
        set the containerCnt to count message containers
        repeat with i from 1 to containerCnt
                set subContainerCnt to count message containers of message 
container i
                set containerCnt to containerCnt + subContainerCnt
        end repeat
        set the filterCnt to count filters
        set the clipCnt to count text clippings
        set the sigCnt to count text signatures
        set the statsTxt to my concatenateData(containerCnt, filterCnt, clipCnt,
        my displayTotals(the statsTxt)
end tell
-- The above will count your PowerMail; message folders, filters, text
-- and the text signatures and display the information in a dialog.
-- The dialog will give you an option to put the entire results
-- onto the clipboard.

Andy Fragen

On Sat, Apr 10, 2004, cheshirekat said:

>BTW, here's an AppleScript you can use so that you don't have to manually
>count your folders and filters - just in case you don't already have such
>an AppleScript:
><Begin AppleScript>
>property preMsg : "You currently have: " & return
>property postcC : " Message folders"
>property postfC : " Message Filters"
>property postclC : " Text Clippings"
>property postsigC : " Signatures"
>property ret : return
>property bttnList : {"Thanks", "Put on Clipboard"}
>property defBttn : "Put on Clipboard"
>to concatenateData(cCnt, fCnt, clCnt, sigCnt)
>       return (preMsg & cCnt & postcC & ret & fCnt & postfC & ret & clCnt &
>postclC & ret & sigCnt & postsigC)
>end concatenateData
>to displayTotals(statsTxt)
>       set the dialogBttn to the button returned of (display dialog statsTxt
>buttons bttnList default button 2)
>       if the dialogBttn is the defBttn then
>               set the clipboard to the statsTxt
>               beep
>       end if
>end displayTotals
>tell application "PowerMail"
>       set the containerCnt to count message containers
>       set the filterCnt to count filters
>       set the clipCnt to count text clippings
>       set the sigCnt to count text signatures
>       set the statsTxt to my concatenateData(containerCnt, filterCnt, clipCnt,
>       my displayTotals(the statsTxt)
>end tell
>-- The above will count your PowerMail; message folders, filters, text
>-- and the text signatures and display the information in a dialog.
>-- The dialog will give you an option to put the entire results
>-- onto the clipboard.
><End AppleScript>

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