computer artwork by subhash / 04.4.2 / 1:24 PM wrote:

>>- TechToolPro is focused on hardware problems.  The aim is different from
>I don't agree with this.
>You can optimize (defragment) your volumes, repair data, get back trashed
>data, check the system files and so on AND you can check your harddisk
>and much more on the hardware side.

You misunderstood me.
For example, take one algo of copy protection which leaves a watermark on
a sector.  When you try to optimize the volume, Norton runs fine by
ignoring it.  They take it as a data.  But TTP detects as a block error.
 They used to repair it which of course damage the copy protection so the
application will not run anymore.  Later they had to analyze the
signature of such so now TTP detects such, then it stops operation. 
Since TTP Optimization runs on physical data, it cannot skip the sector
like Norton does.

I hope you understand the difference.


- Hiro


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