On Tue, Mar 30, 2004,  it is attributed to Wayne Brissette to have said:

>What's wrong with the current Forward option? You can add groups and
>people by entering parts of their name and/or address.

Nothing 'wrong'.  It would simply be more efficient.  It's one of the
bitties I miss from Eudora.  I generally forward to a very small subset
of my adress db.  Along the same lines, a new email could have the same

How Eudora has that set up is as a checkbox field in the address
database, and those members of that db who are 'checked' are added to the
list, and are available as a 'forward to...' and 'new email to...'
selection.  Quite convenient, actually.  Not, however, a solution to
something 'wrong'... do added features have to be corrective to be valid?


One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but cannot
be taken away unless it is surrendered.
   Michael J. Fox

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