I am looking for a script that will auto-attach a printed PDF like the
applescript apple provided for Mail:

on open these_items
        tell application "Mail"
                set the new_message to (make new outgoing message with 
                tell the new_message
                        tell content
                                repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items
                                        set this_file to item i of these_items
                                        make new attachment with properties 
{file name:this_file} at before
the first character
                                end repeat
                        end tell
                end tell
        end tell
end open

I don't know anything about applescript except how to use it once written ;)


"We don't need you. You haven't got through college yet."

-- HP executive, responding to Apple Computer founders Steve Jobs' 
and Steve Wozniak's attempts to interest the company in the "personal 
computer" they had designed, 1976.

on Sat, 8 Mar 2003 13:12:52 -0600 /Neil Lee said: 

>>Are their work-flow scripts to take advantage of Apple's PDF Services for
>>PM?  I did not see anything at the site...
>What are you looking for, exactly? Apple's PDF services work specifically
>with Apple's print services, so whatever you can print, you can pipe
>through the PDF services.

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