the message did appear already some time ago.
Jérôme was asking you to send him that message to jerome at ctmdev dot com.
I have the impression you have a serious problem with your mail-server
or your mail-setup and not with PM itself. Maybe even a problem with your Mac?

All the best


Admilon Consulting GmbH
Tel. +81-736-56-3905

Am/On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:41:48 +0200 schrieb/wrote Mikael Byström:

>For some reason this earlier message didn't appear onlist for me, nor do
>I have any testers inquiring. I'm hoping the message disappeared, so I
>resend it here:
>I managed to isolate one specific message and discovered that this
>message CAN BE RENDERED in Mail! So there's no system level problem!
>It's PowerMail! Also, there's NO SPAMSIEVE involved! It's the rendering.
>I also tried importing this message into a new fresh otherwise empty
>database under a new user. Same crash!
>Next step is to check if this is true also on other Mac OS X machines.
>If not  I'll check fonts etc on my machine. Stay tuned.
>Any volunteers for testing this specific message on their machines? In a
>new database of course, carefully evaluating the results.
>Initial message supplied as background:
>>Since june this year I've been in a recurring battle with the gremlins
>>of email that for some reason, which seem to involve rendering of asian
>>fonts, appeared in many many spam messages in one of my email accounts.
>>I'm assuming the messages are asian langu
>>age spam. I've no way of telling for sure what's going on.
>>What's worse is that beside making a backup prior to every email fetch -
>>and accepting all real messages will be lost unless they are saved on
>>the server, which cause other problems (see my concerns since a few
>>years)  -there's no way to recover the DB. It
>>just won't help to rebuild, not even deep rebuild. On start, just when
>>the main window is drawn it crashes.
>>Anyway, as a crash seems inevitable in this account I can't live with
>>this situation any longer. For the time being I'm connecting and
>>deleting all spam messages by hand instead, but this is quite tedious
>>and if I make the mistake to check this account eve
>>n once I lose my DB again.
>>The earlier crashes was recovered with PowerMail Salvage, but while it's
>>great I get the messages back its operation also takes time and fusing
>>the (newly arrived) recovered messages with a backup of the DB creates a
>>long line of problem, including umlauts
>> being destroyed beyond recovery and also bring an element of
>>uncertainty to the removal of unavoidable duplicate messages (which I
>>have an applescript that does).
>>I have not reported this to CTM as doing so and volunteering to bug test
>>and look for probable causes seems to be a futile action, for my range
>>of problems at least.
>>What I'm planning to do is closing the account since 6 years. But what I
>>do when these types of email hit my other accounts? What other choice do
>>I have beside abandoning PowerMail? Unless this problem is stopped now,
>>this is what I'm looking at and if so
>>chances are this problem may affect all of you sooner or later.
>>I do realize that chances are that if SpamSieve was better at catching
>>these messages they wouldn't even show up in the inbox, which seems to
>>be when they crash. But I would still crash when I looked over what
>>SpamSieve had put in the spam folder and in th
>>e trash. Meaning I would risk losing real messages, which needless to
>>say is unacceptable.

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