Mikael Byström sez:

>Because? Did you miss Mail displays this message without any problems?
>I think I have to move my subscription address.

Mikael --

Did the Font Validation Pane tell you anything? I brought it up in an
earlier email:

>There is a PDF file here which includes information about the Font
>Validation Pane:
>An Apple Support doc is here:
>The pane will test the fonts as well as allow you to remove them. You
>could at that point reinstall them or simply leave them off your system.

I know you keep saying other mail programs don't have a problem with the
font, but that really doesn't mean anything except that maybe those
programs handle a corrupted font better than another program. In my work
among prepress shops, many problems you wouldn't think are corrupted
font issues end up being just that. I wouldn't assume it isn't a font
issue until you can check things at least with the Validation Pane.

Even if it validates, I would disable the font and see if the problem
persists in Powermail. If it does, then it isn't that font or is
something else entirely.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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