
I'm sorry, but you can't fire me before hiring :-D
The archive is online and the address was announced in the SPAM question
thread, shortly after the archive went live.
Sorry I should have send a mail with a separate subject to the list, my bad.

All the best


Admilon Consulting GmbH
Tel. +81-736-56-3905

Am/On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:35:47 -0700 schrieb/wrote Jay S.:

>Tim Hodgson wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 3:34 pm +0900, Matthias Schmidt wrote:
>>> well you or he can always check now here as well:
>>> <http://www.mail-archive.com/powermail-discuss%40ctmdev.com/>
>> So is this the official announcement of the new archive?
>That was my immediate thought as well. We finally have archives! Great 
>work by Matthias and whoever also was involved in its creation. I 
>would, however, *immediately* fire the guy in charge of publicity, as 
>this tremendous upgrade in PM technical support should not have been 
>kept a secret.

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