Hello everybody. 
I am trying to stick with PM as I like it very much, unfortunately, I am
having an issue that will make me switch or loose my job :(
I have figured out how to mark messages with different color according to
their Priority settings (Using Filters on X-Priority, priority, importance
Unfortunately, I still cannot figure out how to set priority myself on the
outgoing messages. If anybody can help I would greatly appreciate it.
I would imagine that the best way would be to have a script that checks all
outgoing messages for a set word/character in the Subject (for example word
[HIGH] in brackets all capital), removes that word from subject and sets
message header X-Priority to 2. If the word is [URGENT] then the header is
set to 1, and so forth.
If anybody has a script like that or is proficient enough in Apple script to
write one, please let me know.
Thank you
Alexander Balakersky

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