cheshirekat / 2007/03/14 / 12:06 AM wrote:

>Through Apple's Discussion Forum, I've heard there are far too many
>problems after using the Migration Assistant when going from a G4 Mac to
>an Intel Mac.

I haven't checked their thread, but this could happen.  If you have apps
that is ported from Windows, they most likely depends on less-Mac-
friendly dlib files, which Migration Assistant might fail to link. 
Other issue is drivers.  This includea some copy protection such as
PACE.  Migration Assistant will not copy drivers and kext files.  This
can be a real problem when app was copied but its kext didn't.

One more thing.  If you manually reinstall everything, it is a really
good chance to spring clean your environment.  Migration Assistant will
copy apps which you haven't used for years :-)


- Hiro

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