On Thu, Mar 15, 200711:01 AM, the following words from Matthias Schmidt
[EMAIL PROTECTED], emerged from a plethora of SPAM ...

>Am/On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 19:40:51 -0600 schrieb/wrote cheshirekat:
>>I'm getting a new Mac Pro. Apple shipped it today. Considering that I am
>>using PowerMail 5.2.3, should I upgrade it to the current version on my
>>PowerBook so my files are compatible with the Mac Pro? I haven't kept up
>>with the upgrades because I didn't want anything to break before the new
>>Mac arrives. I don't plan to use the Migration Assistant, so which files
>>should I move to the new computer? Should I just install PM fresh on the
>>new Mac (what I planned) and only point PM to the correct database/user
>>environment? I have been copying the entire PM Files folder for backups.
>use the current version of PM which is UB and copy your PowerMail Folder.
>Start PowerMail by dragging the license file to the App and you should
>be fine.
>Maybe you need to point PM to the current PM folder.
>All the best
What is UB? So you think it's safe to install by copying PM from a G4 to
the intel instead of installing fresh? With the exception of the
database and other user files. 

"I never before knew the full value of trees. Under them I breakfast,
dine, write, read and receive my company." 
-   Thomas Jefferson 

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