On   Sunday, March 30, 2008,   The Perfesser   sent forth:

>Greetings, PowerMail People:
>Here are some if the issues/questions I hope to find resolutions/
answers for:
>1) Exactly what purpose do the default "In Tray" and "Out Tray" serve?
>When my (IMAP) e-mail account is connected, all the incoming messages
>are displayed under that account's mailbox headers, and nothing show up
>in "In Tray."  I see now that messages I have sent via PowerMail show up
>in the "Out Tray," but.... there is nothing in the "In Tray"  Is that
>supposed to be configured somehow in preferences to determine what it

As pointed out by Bill Schjelderup,

The IN and OUT trays are used by PM to store incoming POP and outgoing
sent messages respectively.  From what my experience with IMAP, such
concepts are probably irrelevant when using a "client-server"
synchronized approach like IMAP.

>2) Speaking of "In Tray," is it possible to rearrange the folders in the
>mailbox window so that I can put my e-mail account "InBox" at the top of
>that window?  That would be preferable if nothing is going to show up in
>"In Tray."

Don't know but good question.  They seem to be fixed in alphabetical order.

>The remaining questions relate to things I miss from Eudora:
>3) Will the filters functions in PowerMail apply themselves to OUTgoing
>mail?  In other words, when I hit "send," will a filter automatically
>store that message in a folder I have designated?  (Apple Mail won't do
>that, "Rules" have to be applied manually to the outbox)
Mail filters seem to apply to outgoing messages but I don't know if
there is any kind of limitation to that functionality.

>4)  I see a reference to "waiting messages" somewhere, but can't quite
>figure out how to place messages in a "queue" like Eudora would do
>(store messages in the outbox until I checked/sent mail).  Likewise,
>this is a major function missing form Apple Mail).
AFAIK, a waiting message is any message that has not yet been sent even
though a "send" command was issued, for whatever reason.  Waiting
messages will be sent if possible on the next send.  There is no way to
have a "timer" on the queue as in Eudora but you can leave a message as
a "draft" message.

>5) And here's the big one:  Is there any way to EDIT INCOMING messages?
>I need to do this quite often.  People send me messages that are poorly
>formatted to the point of being unreadable.  In Eudora I could open the
>message, edit it anyway I wanted, and save it as edited.  I also use
>this for including cross-references -- links, etc -- in incoming
>messages.  It's a very valuable function for me, one I would sorely like
>to find a program that replicates on the Mac.
You can duplicate incoming messages but not edit the original.  Quite
frankly, I've never understood why someone would want to edit someone
else's original e-mail.  Such an action destroys the integrity of e-mail.

I hope the above helps you in your decision.

Tim Lapin
Intel iMac    OS 10.4.11    PowerMail 5.6.1     1 GB RAM     250 GB HD

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